Thursday, August 2, 2007

KV5 - The Tomb of the Sons of Ramessu (II)

KV5 was dug to house the deceased sons of Ramessu (II), but had been robbed in antiquity, which is known from the Turin Papyrus where it states that the tomb belonging to the royal children of Ramessu (II) had been robbed by someone called Kenena, son of Ruta. The tomb was then left open. The tomb had been examined by early archaeologists, such as James Burton in 1825 who crawled into the third chamber and recorded his name on the ceiling in lampblack, and Howard Carter in 1902. This tomb had also been listed by Karl Richard Lepsius and Robert Hay in earlier discriptions of the Valley. Even though the tomb had been documented by these people, it was later to become the dumping ground for excavations because it was assumed to be a small unimportant tomb of no interest, and subsequently became lost until it was re-discovered in 1987 with the use of sonar and Ground Penetrating Radar by Kent R. Weeks for the Theban Mapping Project.

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